Ways to Win The H-1B Lottery: Attorneys Share Their Thoughts (Ft. Attorney Elizabeth Ricci) - Video

Join us for an enlightening discussion during the "Predictions for H-1B FY 2025 Cap Season" webinar, hosted by the esteemed 30-year Immigration Attorney, Jon Velie, and featuring guest attorney **Elizabeth Ricci**.

**Expert Insights**:
- Benefit from Jon Velie's wealth of experience in immigration law as he provides a thorough analysis of the H-1B FY 2025 Cap Season.
- Stay informed about recent policy changes that could impact the H-1B application process.
- Engage directly with Jon Velie during the dedicated Q&A session to get your specific questions addressed.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of the H-1B visa landscape and gain valuable insights for the upcoming fiscal year. Secure your spot by registering now and join us via Zoom for an hour of illuminating discussion.

????️ **Send in a voice message**:(⁠https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...⁠ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1NzYjZQQ0doUlRhSmxOZm5mRmJxZl9tQVhqZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttVjlzWWZ6MUhybTJvRkdyV05KbXFXcVNPOVBqNEFEQ2tmcWllblJsaFoyU0lyR2ttYUo5ODZBN3VhdE0xWm53Tl9yczhLcHRpRmZDV0w1U3VWT2dTWEVfLWxvOU8xd0tQalZGQ3Y5T2NVM1JoVjUzRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasters.spotify.com%2Fpod%2Fshow%2Fvisasai%2Fmessage&v=nyPh_3WIEqk) )


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/visasai/message
Fansly Leaked
biden immigration bill, biden immigration, us citizenship act of 2021
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