Trading Tech Talk 52: Options, Auctions and Fintech History - Video

Hot Topics in Tech: Henry is a hot topic! At least, he presented hot topics at the OIC Conference. Growth lately has been in ETF and index options, with equity options lagging. So many new additions, from expirations to exchanges, have exploded the amount of data. More exchanges? If you build it, will they come? Updates on the institutional and market maker spaces. The illusion of price improvement. Auctions? The deathknell of the options market, or necessary evil? 3x growth in five years for products. Should this growth be trimmed? More trading floors. Physical floors. Indian patent act. Milestones in fintech, going back to the 1800's.

The Inbox: Listener questions and comments

• Anthony J: Those new chip cards slow down the payment process to a crawl. Is there some fintech solution to make this better?

• ABC Markets: Which broker platform offers the best tech to its clients? I like IB and TOS
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