Sofi Stock 11/30/24- Painful to admit, I was completely WRONG about SOFI, rethinking my position - Video

When I started looking at Sofi and really loading shares I was looking at the conventional bull thesis.. disrupting the financial industry that hadn't changed much in decades. Having lower costs, serving more customers with a lower head count and no branches using technology and innovation. Then we were looking at software and that development as somehow disconnected from Sofi in Galileo... but the synergy is far more powerful than even I understood. The innovation has been held in their back pocket because you need scale to make these platforms pay off. Your partners can't be playing to an empty theatre. No one (besides me) really understood that Sofi was growing their membership to a scale where they can leverage their technology to sell those rubes all sorts of nonsense. The loan platform is a harbinger of things to come... high margin, high tech platforms essentially selling access to Sofi's army of high credit, high quality, big spenders and big cheeses. You want to sell your crap to our members don't forget to tip the bartender.. he is the guy in a windbreaker with great hair. Sofi is in a position to not only cross sell, but sell access to their platform in a huge coup for high margin dollars that were never in the guidance. CLP3 tried to tell you and so did I.. now you buy here or you look stupid again.. because it may retrace to around 14 maybe, but she is going to 20.88 and then to ATH. You don't have to admit it but you have to accept it. When this was under 5 I thought it was a great investment, now I realize it could be the investment of a lifetime. Now run on home and grab your shine box while I say I told you so.
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