Recharge Your Energy: The Power of Small Habits with Francesca Mereu - Video

Do you feel constantly overstretched, running on empty while trying to keep up with the demands of work and life? You're not alone! This week’s guest, Francesca Giulia Mereu, is here to help you recharge your energy and improve your well-being through small, impactful habits. 

Francesca, a coach with over 25 years of experience, shares her framework for managing energy through the "five batteries"—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. Discover how simple actions, from mindful breaks to managing screen time, can help you regain control of your energy levels. Her insights are drawn from her coaching of overstretched leaders, including humanitarian negotiators working in war zones. If you're feeling drained, this episode will equip you with actionable strategies to help you thrive. 

This episode answers the following questions:

• What are the key habits to manage and recharge energy?

• How can I avoid burnout?

• How can I improve my decision-making and performance?

Links mentioned in this episode:

• Francesca’s Online Energy Check ( – A 10-minute, no-email tracking assessment to evaluate your energy levels and identify mini-habits.

• Recharge Your Batteries ( – Francesca's book, now revised with new techniques.

Looking for more? Check out these amazing episodes:

• Ep 215: Take a Deep Breath with Jay Johnson[Episode Title on Apple Podcasts ( , Spotify ( , or our website with show notes ( ]

• Ep 177: The Secret to Low Stress & High Efficiency with Susie Hayman [Episode Title on Apple Podcasts ( , Spotify ( , or our website with show notes ( ]
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