PURE EVIL The Gender Reveal Party Trend Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE) Capitalism, Pollution, True Crime - Video

PURE EVIL The Gender Reveal Party Trend Industry Files (DEEP-DIVE) Capitalism, Pollution, True Crime, ETC... Today I talk about the, UNSOLVED True Crime Case Daily Stories Of This EVENT, I talk about, In living rooms, backyards, kitchens, and public parks throughout the country, baby showers are being replaced by something a bit more dramatic, know as the, a baby gender reveal party, Some of today’s expectant parents share their joy by “revealing” their child’s sex in parties that feature balloons, cake, and confetti in pink or blue (or occasionally purple, if the parents want to signal that they will not know their child’s chosen gender for many years to come). But the biggest ones, fueled by social media trends, go even further, involving extravagant stunts, And these spectacles can wreak havoc on the environment and people's overall lives, While most gender reveal parties stick to colored cupcakes or other tame features like things like that, social media could be driving a few expectant parents and clout-chasers to go bigger, Popular videos and posts can encourage people to mimic what others are doing, putting lives in harm's way, voluminous balloon arch pollution for birthday parties or gender reveals is bad for biodiversity, native wildlife, and livestock eating balloons, A 2019 study showed that balloons are the plastic pollution debris crisis that is most likely to UANLIVED seabirds they were responsible for more than 40% of the mortalities, Microplastic Pollution Crisis, Animal Ab*se A pink pigeon found in New York City brightly colored for a gender reveal party was UNALIVED from inhaling the dye’s toxins The Pet Pigeon and Doves HAVE NO survival skills Dove releases sound romantic, but take away the decorations and Instagram photos and they are the equivalent of pet dumping, Horse's scared by fireworks, Pilot UNALIVED in plane crash while announcing baby's gender at reveal party,

A couple who used a device to reveal their baby’s gender started the El Dorado fire in California in 2020 which destroyed 5 homes and 15 buildings which lasted for more than two months covering more than 22,000 acres and destroying homes and land, An off-duty border patrol agent lit an Arizona forest on fire with a baby gender reveal party Ignites 47,000-Acre Wildfire costing an estimated $8 million in damage, And in one gender reveal party in Brazil a couple dyed an entire river blue The Queima-Pé River is the main source of water for Tangará da Serra — which recently suffered a very long period of drought — and several residents now fear their water is contaminated, ETC!!!
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anti capitalism, baby gender reveal party, gender reveal party
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