New Perspectives PowerPoint 2019 | Module 1: SAM Project 1b | Splashes Waterpark #newperspectives - Video

New Perspectives PowerPoint 2019 | Module 1: SAM Project 1b | Splashes Waterpark #newperspectives

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1. As the manager of Splashes Waterpark, a complex of waterslides and pools near La Jolla in southern California, you have been asked to create a presentation highlighting the park's attractions. Begin on Slide 1 by typing Splashes Waterpark as the slide title.
2. Change the theme color of the presentation to Blue.
3. With Slide 1 ("Splashes Waterpark") still displaying, type Slides, Pools, Fun! as the subtitle.
4. Insert a new Slide 2 using the Title and Content layout. Type Something for Everyone! as the slide title.
5. On Slide 2 ("Something for Everyone!"), in the content placeholder, insert the picture from the file Support_PPT19_1b_Waterslide.jpg, available for download from the SAM website, to illustrate the slide.
6. On Slide 3 ("Toddler's Splash Zone"), without using a content placeholder, insert the picture from the file Support_PPT19_1b_Toddler.jpg, available for download from the SAM website, to illustrate the toddler splash zone area of the park.
7. With Slide 3 still displaying, format the picture you just inserted as follows:
a. Resize the picture to a height of 4.0".
b. Crop the picture to an Oval shape from the Basic Shapes section of the Crop to Shape gallery.
c. Position the picture as shown in Figure 1 below, using a Smart Guide to align the left edge of the picture with the left edge of the title.
Figure 1: Position of the Toddler Picture

8. On Slide 4 ("Guest Services"), add a bulleted list as follows:
a. Change the layout to Two Content to balance the slide design.
b. In the new content placeholder on the right, type the following text as a list:
Family Hot Tubs
Reservable Cabanas and Tents
Free Wi-Fi
9. On Slide 5 ("Food Services"), format the text "Splash Grill" as follows:
a. Change the font to Calibri.
b. Change the font size to 28 point.
c. Change the font color to Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25% (5th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette).
d. Bold the text.
10. With Slide 5 still displaying, use the Format Painter to copy the formatting from the text "Splash Grill" to the text "Splash Sports Bar".
11. Delete Slide 6 ("Facilities") because the same information appears on other slides.
12. Return to Slide 5 ("Food Services"), copy the text "Rides and Slides!", and then paste it above the left column on Slide 6 ("Admission") to provide the missing heading.
13. On Slide 7 ("Groups"), create a SmartArt graphic as follows:
a. Convert the list to a SmartArt graphic using the List layout Horizontal Bullet List.
b. Change the text "Birthday Parties" to Children's Birthday Parties in the second shape.
14. On Slide 8 ("Cabanas"), edit the slide as follows:
a. Delete the content placeholder on the right.
b. In the content placeholder on the left, enter the following multilevel list:
Private VIP Cabanas
$100 weekdays
$150 weekends
Group Cabanas
$150 weekdays
$200 weekends
15. On Slide 9 ("Visit Splashes Waterpark"), remove the hyperlink from the website address.
16. On Slide 10 ("Park Policies"), edit the slide as follows:
a. Format the bulleted list as a numbered list.
b. Add Pets are not allowed! as the fourth numbered item.
c. Type the following text in the Notes pane:
Consult the website for more information.

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