My credit score: UP 93 POINTS in TEN MONTHS! | debt free journey | $60 savings challenges - Video

My credit score went up by 93 points in 10 months and 10 days! I run through the numbers month by month. I didn't go through any credit repair companies or use debt consolidation: I just paid off debt according to the snowball method.

Are you trolling the comments? HI FRIENDS! Mention SPRINKLES or FIR in your comment and I'll pick two winners (one of each) in my next video to get a SPRINKLES or FIR savings challenge. Open to anyone, regardless of location -- I'll mail internationally. This will close 24 hours from when my video is posted -- 11:45am EDT (US) on July 4. This paragraph will disappear when the drawing is closed!

Friends mentioned in today's video: @GoldenGirlBudgets @MischiefManagedBudgets @reinventingrene @b.onabudget8405 @justrollitinglitter @mandysbudgetingjourney @ladydisaves

Etsy stores:,

✔️ AUG 3, 2022 $13695.56
✔️ JAN 1, 2023: $9253
✔️ MAR 1, 2023: $6980
✔️ MAY 1, 2023: $3925
✔️ JUN 15: $0

???? E T S Y

???? I A M N O T A N E X P E R T
This vlog is reflective of my personal opinions and experiences and is not to be construed as financial advice. Please consult with your attorney, accountant, and/or tax advisor for advice concerning your particular circumstances.

???? H A S H T A G S
#debtconfession #debtfreejourney #creditcarddebt #budgeting #cashenvelopes #sinkingfunds #debt #budget #spendingtracker #lowincome #daveramseyinspired
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