More bad news for PwC after tax scandal details come to light - Video

Details around a tax scandal and its internal dealings have been aired to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services leaving PwC in hot water.

CEO Kevin Burrowes is also under fire for not revealing he was being paid by PwC International on top of his local salary.

Labor Senator Deborah O’Neill told Sky News Australia it “matters” to every Australian to know the people contributing to fundamental financial services are operating at the “highest ethical standard”.

“What we’ve had confirmed today is that Mr Burrowes who ultimately became the PwC Global imposed CEO was actually in on the ground pretty early,” Ms O’Neill said.

“We’ve got a lot more clarity about Mr Burrowes’ role and we also have a lot more clarity about the role of Ms Diana Weiss who is the Officer General Counsel for PwC Global.

“The question that raises for us is like who’s really in control.”
Fansly Leaked
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