One of India's biggest reality shows, Khatron Ke Khiladi is back with its thirteenth season. It has the crème de la crème of the entertainment industry, and before jetting off to South Africa for the show's shoot, the contestants did a fun interaction exclusively with Pinkvilla. In this entertaining video with Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 contestants open up about Rohit Shetty, their preparation, fears, and excitement for the show. They also played a fun game called ‘Quick 5’. The video features Shiv Thakare, Aishwarya Sharma, Rohit Bose Roy, Nyrra Banerji, Anjali Anand, Soundous Moufakir, Daisy Shah, Ruhi Chaturvedi, Arjit Taneja, Rashmeet Kaur, and Dino James.
#KhatronKeKhiladi13 #KKK13 #rohitshetty #ShivThakare #AishwaryaSharma #NyrraBanerji #ArjitTaneja #ArchanaGautam #AnjumFakih
0:00 - Intro
0:26 - About Khatron Ke Khiladi 13
0:55 - Preparations for KKK 13
2:40 - Contestants talk about their fear
4:21 - Favourite past contestant
5:05 - Who will they miss the most?
6:00 - Tough competitor this season
6:23 - On meeting Rohit Shetty
9:00 - KKK or Bigg Boss?
9:10 - Quick 5 Rapid Fire Game'
The views and opinions expressed in this interview are those of the interviewee and do not reflect the views of Pinkvilla Media Pvt Ltd
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#KhatronKeKhiladi13 #KKK13 #rohitshetty #ShivThakare #AishwaryaSharma #NyrraBanerji #ArjitTaneja #ArchanaGautam #AnjumFakih
0:00 - Intro
0:26 - About Khatron Ke Khiladi 13
0:55 - Preparations for KKK 13
2:40 - Contestants talk about their fear
4:21 - Favourite past contestant
5:05 - Who will they miss the most?
6:00 - Tough competitor this season
6:23 - On meeting Rohit Shetty
9:00 - KKK or Bigg Boss?
9:10 - Quick 5 Rapid Fire Game'
The views and opinions expressed in this interview are those of the interviewee and do not reflect the views of Pinkvilla Media Pvt Ltd
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