Cara masak Lauk Merak guna Pes Kak Zaidah - Video

Che Ani is a full time usahawan wanita. Previously an accountant by profession, now Che Ani is a very dedicated leader under the guidance of Dato Jahlilawati (a successful businesswomen), also a Certified E-Usahawan trainer, a speaker at Bisnesjaya Academy (training centre untuk melatih usahawan Berjaya) and also has her own small home baking & frozen business. My focus of business now is Kangen and c2joy. Che Ani is dedicated in continuously building her team to work and helping others to succeed in achieving their missions and goals.
For further info on my kangen & c2joy business you can click on the link below:
Fb://kangen water for health
Fb://c2joy-shah alam
Yang berminat dengan training ushawan Berjaya sila click link di bawah:

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