Autobiography Chapter 1, Part 3: Beholding Lahiri Mahasaya - Video

This episode covers the following section of 11 paragraphs—
“Early in their married life...”
“... the master’s blessing never fails.”

We discuss the first mention of Lahiri Mahasaya and what he means to us devotees of Paramahansa Yogananda. Guruji very subtly inserts a sentence on the importance of moderation and we explore his deeper teachings on the subject from God Talks with Arjuna. The beautiful story of Yogananda’s father meeting Lahiri Mahasaya through Abinash Babu is delightfully explored in minute detail.

0:00 Summary of topics;
3:15 Strengthening your bond;
6:05 What does Lahiri Mahasaya mean to you?;
25:12 Celibacy and moderation of sexual energy;
51:19 Bhagabati meets Lahiri Mahasaya;
2:00:28 Teaser for next episode.

Homework for next episode— Read, absorb and make notes on the following 7 paragraphs from:
“Lahiri Mahasaya left this world shortly after...”
“...instantly recovered from a usually fatal disease.”

Image used in thumbnail: right hand side is Bhagabati Charan Ghosh (Guruji’s father)

Autobiography of a Yogi
Fansly Leaked
yogananda, autobiography of a yogi, self realization
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