01:48 去TM的产品·去TM的提成!——让用户分享产品/服务并且为你带来更多订单的真正动力是什么?
(No5Orange·205 Main St, Vancouver, BC V6A 2S7)
07:20 企业应该如何围绕自己的产品/服务设计社交货币?
(BrandisShowLounge ·595 Hornby St 5th floor, Vancouver, BC V6C 1A4)
12:21 想让用户发自内心的写出有创意的内容纯属做梦!如果你觉得你为产品倾注心血这件事很贵很值钱,那么就别觉得花大价钱找KOL不做销售只做流量是无用的
(TheGranvilleStrip·1050 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1L5)
14:35 劝小企业做私域营销的人·非奸即坏
(OnlyFans is an internet content subscription service based in London, United Kingdom. The service is used primarily by sex workers who produce pornography, but it also hosts the work of other content creators, such as physical fitness experts and musicians.)
19:00 如果你真的想做社群,那么牢记:拉人不重要·活动重要,群友之间的社交、而非群友和商家之间的下单咨询和售后服务,才是一个群能正常存在的唯一原因
(Fansly is a subscription-based social media platform. It is quite similar with Onlyfans, but it focus more on the well-being of women, especially female sex workers)
23:38 补充资料:KOC的隐形成本很贵,那么KOL的明码标价平均在多少呢
(51papaya is a high-end corporate event planning platform, dedicated to excavating the intellectual beauty of women around the age of 30, and converting it into commercial value through personal connections.)
25:00 温哥华第一华人营销顾问:+1 778 386 4381 想赚钱·就得听我的
(No5Orange·205 Main St, Vancouver, BC V6A 2S7)
07:20 企业应该如何围绕自己的产品/服务设计社交货币?
(BrandisShowLounge ·595 Hornby St 5th floor, Vancouver, BC V6C 1A4)
12:21 想让用户发自内心的写出有创意的内容纯属做梦!如果你觉得你为产品倾注心血这件事很贵很值钱,那么就别觉得花大价钱找KOL不做销售只做流量是无用的
(TheGranvilleStrip·1050 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1L5)
14:35 劝小企业做私域营销的人·非奸即坏
(OnlyFans is an internet content subscription service based in London, United Kingdom. The service is used primarily by sex workers who produce pornography, but it also hosts the work of other content creators, such as physical fitness experts and musicians.)
19:00 如果你真的想做社群,那么牢记:拉人不重要·活动重要,群友之间的社交、而非群友和商家之间的下单咨询和售后服务,才是一个群能正常存在的唯一原因
(Fansly is a subscription-based social media platform. It is quite similar with Onlyfans, but it focus more on the well-being of women, especially female sex workers)
23:38 补充资料:KOC的隐形成本很贵,那么KOL的明码标价平均在多少呢
(51papaya is a high-end corporate event planning platform, dedicated to excavating the intellectual beauty of women around the age of 30, and converting it into commercial value through personal connections.)
25:00 温哥华第一华人营销顾问:+1 778 386 4381 想赚钱·就得听我的
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- Fansly Leaked
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